The New Achilles--Christian Cameron; NEW: Bargain Book

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NEW: Bargain Book; Paperback; ISBN:9781409176572; Orion: January 2020; 400 Pages

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NEW: Bargain Book; Paperback; ISBN:9781409176572; Orion: January 2020; 400 Pages

NEW: Bargain Book; Paperback; ISBN:9781409176572; Orion: January 2020; 400 Pages

Alexanor is a man who has seen too much blood. He has left the sword behind him to become a healer in the greatest sanctuary in Greece: he has turned his back on war.
But war has followed him to his refuge at Epidauros, and now a battle to end the freedom of Greece is all around him. The Mediterranean superpowers of Rome, Egypt and Macedon are waging their proxy wars on Hellenic soil, turning Greek farmers into slaves and mercenaries.

Greece needs a champion. One last hero. A new Achilles.

When a wounded soldier is carried into his temple, Alexanor believes the man's wounds are mortal. But he is not destined to die. But Alexanor must face his own daemons before he can help the hero face his.
Because this is the new Achilles. His name is Philopoemen.

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